Our SETSystem is both light-weight and high quality. Built from scratch by a pro Set Stylist with 20+ years industry experience who recognised a need for sustainable sets.
We use cutting edge print technology and set design creativity at the heart of what we do, we work with you to create the custom walls and floors you need.
By only hiring our sets and repurposing all our stock, we avoid adding paint, wood and materials into landfill. We work hard to ensure we offer a sustainable shoot solution.
With Trend Insights we help our clients stay ahead of interior texture and colour trends that influence set design.
SETSkins can be inter-changed within 3 mins. With no wood, paint, set build or tools required, our Clients can shoot more looks in less time.
We're a recognised Sustainable Supplier, approved by Albert, Clients shooting with us are reassured their sets have minimal environmental impact.